Friday, September 24, 2010

The Q & A Chain Letter

The Q&A Chain Letter

i want to thank cgd for sending this to me. this is great since my blog here is new. i also have another blog that some of you have read. - i started this blog because  i am from a very small town were people talk. i wanted to say how i was really feeling - with no strings attached. i'm so thankful for the support!

1) What's the best dish you can cook?
any meat on the grill. they say it's a man's job. my husband preheats it for me. i do the rest. i love to marinate steaks & cold grilled chicken breast for breakfast is a treat for me - sounds gross - it's really good. 

2) Have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper? What for?
sports in high school, hair salon ads & engagement announcement. oh and for that one time i robbed a few banks in town - i kid. i kid. i haven't even had a speeding ticket since 1996. 

3) What's the worst and/or most memorable job you've ever had?
worst job was babysitting for a family who's house had so much filth in it - there were maggots. not kidding. i didn't know any better than but i should have called social services. it was so nasty. most memorable job i had was as a kid i would ride my bike into town (i lived in the country) and work at my mom's best friends daughter in laws hair salon (did you get that) i would wash towels, take out rollers, clean out the sinks, restock the shelves & talk make appointments. mind you - i was about 8. totally unpaid. totally awesome. i got to go with them to hair shows, do modeling shoots for the weekly paper that came out & go shopping in the summer on Monday's when the salon was closed. i got to be 100% girly girl. I ended up working there until i was well into high school - i exchanged my hours worked for tanning salon time - to this day - i still love the smell of a good perm. 

4) When you were a teenager, at what age did you envision yourself getting married? How old were you in reality when you got married?
i'm not exactly sure - although if you look through the notebooks upon notebooks still in my childhood bedroom to this day - you'll see pages and pages of my name w/ the boy of the week, month or year. i was always practicing my "new" last name. i got married in 2003. the ripe old age of  24. we had been together since 1999. i never dated anyone unless i thought it was going to be long term - i always jumped right in - even at 15 years old. funny part is - when i did get married - i had a really hard time dropping my maiden name. it wasn't until 2 months ago on facebook that i dropped it. 

5) What's your most hated household chore? What's your favorite?
dusting. i hate dusting. i love deep cleaning. cleaning the bathroom is satisfaction for me. i have to scrub on my hands and knees. i don't own a mop - i think they are gross. i love deep cleaning so much - i scrubbed our three stall garage floor yesterday. 

6) What's your earliest memory?
my mom was in labor. i was 3 1/2. i was screaming and holding on to her not to leave me. that was it - then the next day i remember going to see her in the hospital and everything being ok.

i would like to ask the same six questions - mostly because the hubby got home from work early and wants to watch "wall street 1" - in prep for "wall street 2" - which i have never seen the first one - and he says "pumps him up for work".
here's the  amazing people i'm sending this onto:

1 comment:

  1. Hi, and welcome to blogging! I too live in a small rural community, where everyone knows everyone. In fact my therapist works with my mom and is in baby class with my bestie!

    I haven't yet read thru your whole story, but wanted to share that my husband is diagnosed azoospermia and depending on some test results that we'll get next week are likely moving forward with dIUI.

    I just added you to my reader, and look forward to celebrating your BFP soon!
    xoxo - Foxy
