Wednesday, September 15, 2010


i'm so thankful for the Internet. i really am. i went to a small small high school - the junior high was on one side of the hallway and the high school was on the other - i'm not kidding. it must have been pretty appealing to a lot of people because it's bigger now - but regardless - i knew people 10 years older than me and five years younger than me. one of the girls that was 5 years older than me - i might have secretly stalked when i was little. i wanted to be just like her. she's a really beautiful girl and has an even better heart. i worked with her for a short time later in life and low and behold - i found her on facebook years later - and after doing my exam of 'kids or no kids' and small talk chat back and forth - i sent her a message asking her the DL on the kiddo status - explaining our situation first - of course - it turned into many discussions and cheering each other on. she had her iui 2 weeks back and i got this email from her -

bummer day....not pregnant 

she too has been at this just about exactly the same amount of time as we have. in fact - seems that of all the blogs i read - we're almost all on the same timeline... i honestly have to believe that the end is so near for all of us. i say it's high time the universe delivers some killer eggs and super mighty swimmers! 

i'm beyond thankful i am not alone in this journey - and i am so grateful that i am able to have true compassion, empathy and understanding for a friend when they are in need. 

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