Tuesday, September 21, 2010

so annoying

i had my lh surge. on monday - or at least one test said i did. the donor sperm arrived again last week. after some time in our bedroom - i moved it to the dining room table for good keeping.

it's a crazy world i tell you. we wanted to do a few months of "trying" at home. first of all - our insurance covers zip zero zelch of infertility - now that dh has been diagnosted - they don't even cover SA's. it's shitty. but it is what it is. so we decided to try a few months at home and see what happens. 

here's why i'm annoyed. here is why i'm going to have to call my doctor if we have to do this again next month and just suck it up. 

1. the forms from the clinic say to let it thaw at 98.2 for 4-5 minutes - when i was looking at their site - one thing said to let it thaw for 10 minutes. um - seriously - that's twice the time. so i called. meagan informed me that they just changed things and that 4-5 minutes is the right time - but wanted to know where i found the 10 because they must have missed changing it. 

2. i then asked her how much should i expect in each vile because last month there wasn't very much (and way less after i dropped some in the bathtub) and she said - "oh you're doing this at home?" - me - "yes" - "oh you should be getting ICI not IUI" - me - "well our donor only has IUI and you guys never told us this. can we get ICI" m - "you'll have to choose a new donor." - are you fucking kidding me. 

3. i searched high and low for the perfect syringe and all the right gear (aka pre seed etc) only to have my husband have to go out of town for work.... between a late surge, only having a week to use up the swimmers - and having to do it all myself.... i'm not feeling super excited about this 2ww... 

then i have my bff in the whole world whom i love tell me - well - practice makes perfect - are you kidding me? you have three kids - we've been practicing perfect for way too long. 

in other news - the little girl we take care of from time to time has been staying with us for a few nights while her mom visits her boyfriend - more on that later - and she finally learned to tie her shoes tonight - she six! it's a good thing her five year old brother still wears a diaper. or that her mom is living off the state.... the most amazing people have kids don't they? 

1 comment:

  1. wow. I am hoping that things get easier for you soon. What a process, as I am just learning about this home insemination stuff. Why would a certain donor only be an option for IUI? does this mean you need to select a new donor? How frustrating. I hope you get through this and get to your happy ending very, very soon.
    P.S. I am continually amazed by who are parents, while we wait on the side lines. It makes no sense at all!!!! Diapers at 5, really!!???
