Monday, September 13, 2010

this bothers me

This kit provides all of the tools necessary for at-home insemination with either a surrogate mother (for gay couples) or donor sperm (for lesbian couples).

not all donor sperm are lesbians - some of us just happened to marry a man with a string of bad luck. i have no problem at all same sex couples, marriage or raising families in same sex marriage. the only thing i care about is how you treat the child. 

i would, however, like more books on donor sperm & the hubby. understanding his process a little bit more. wishing that i could be in his head - just for a good 15 minutes. i know we all wish that of our partner. 

TTC at home should take place again in less than a week. I'm much less excited about this round and will dread the 2ww - i'm going to try preseed this month - anyone else a fan? 


  1. Though not all donor sperm users are lesbians, most are. Thus, they market to their largest consumers. Not everything has to be marketed to straight people. Just saying.

  2. Ninefirefly - I couldn't agree with you more! Certainly not always - but sometimes - I wish our journey would have been a little easier. but what fun would that be?

  3. Interesting. I had no idea how home insemination works. It does make sense that the majority of users would be lebian couples.
    Wishing you good luck with all this next cycle. That process sounds crazy. Fingers are crossed.

  4. i am surprised all the time by the things that really upset me. They just seem to catch me off guard at the worst moments.

    I've love to hear more about the home inseminations - Did you choose that over iui with an RE? Is the cost significantly less? I guess I've always known it was an option, but I am so anxious to get to the 'other side' that I am actually considering going straight to ivf with donor sperm. The percentage of is succeeding any single month seems like if might be worth it. If you're up to share more, I'd love to read more.

