Wednesday, October 6, 2010

things to remember

i leave on saturday for a week long trip to mexico with my mom. really comes at the perfect time. another bfn this week. at least my period should be over with by the time we leave for vacation. while i would much rather be spending the week reading about how a baby was growing in my belly than thinking about the next iui - life moves on. while i didn't expect to get prego overnight - i'm really sick of waiting.

i have a friend who is adopting. while i'm happy for them - this is today's text messages:

friend: any news yet? i need advice in nursery decorating on a budget got any good resources? i am so absolutely overwhelmed you wouldn't believe the drama happening w/ birth mom & dad! And baby may be coming way earlier than expected!

me: got my period today.

me: i don't know of anyone (mind you guys - i do a lot of interior design/photography/art). i'd offer but nursery's are hell for me. :(

friend: oh i am sure!! i guess i was inquiring about cheap craft supplies. i am so sorry about the period. :( I was praying so hard this would be ur month. it's not flipping fair!

friend: When do you leave for your trip?

friend: btw  i feel like an ass for bring up the nursery and deserve a FU i can't tell you how sorry i am!! I have been a bit absorbed in my own world with everything and so sorry!!

me: it's ok. I leave saturday.

it really is ok... i am happy for her - but damn - still stings. the part that makes me want to cry is that she said she's sorry. at least she gets it. i really hope when we have our own kids that i can at least remember this moment when i am talking to someone who doesn't have kids.


  1. Sorry about the friend's comments - it's always hard. Have a wonderful trip... rest, relax and enjoy!!

  2. I am so very sorry for this most recent BFN, it never gets any easier. I hope you have a wonderful vacation, it sounds like it very much needed. Thinking of you.....

  3. I'm so sorry ... that just sucks. I hope that you can be kind to yourself and give yourself a much-needed rest during your vacation.

  4. Here from LFCA - I am so sorry for your BFN.

  5. I hate the BFN. I am very sorry.

    Me: Interview style?

    You: Yes, why?

    Me: I think it rocks.

  6. I'm sorry :(. I hope your vacation gives you a chance for some true R&R. I am glad to see your friend apologized. Since we adopted, people are always introducing us to people who are trying to adopt, which I always find awkward. I'm sure I've said some less-than-sensitive things while wrapped up in my baby world. I suspect for me (and maybe your friend too?) that the thrill of finally having something go right in this whole journey is kind of hard to suppress. But I would NEVER ask a fellow TTCer for nursery advice!!

  7. thanks ladies! so sweet - and willow - so true - i am so happy for them that it's finally happening... i just hope i remember to keep my mouth shut.
