Sunday, October 24, 2010

i knew it.

two months ago a & i were presented with a pretty unbelievable opportunity. i got a text message from a friend who's neighbors niece was due to give birth and wanted to give her baby up for adoption. while a & i have talked about this before - we didn't think that it was something that we were ready for quite yet however i also truly believe that beggar's can't be choosers. so i decided that we would meet with her.

she sent out a few emails to me to schedule a time to meet and i was less than impressed with her grammar skills, her language & her follow through. i knew, it was not a good fit. she also wanted an open adoption. i felt like her family was really pushing for it.

i finally decided to email her back with the name of the adoption agency that a friend of ours is using. she replied back that she was working with the agency & we wished each other the best.

my friend sent me a text last night. she had the baby girl. the adoptive parents were in the delivery room with her.

she kept the baby.

that poor family.

goes to show again - follow your gut. 100% of the time.

1 comment:

  1. That would be beyond heartbreaking to be there thinking this baby was yours, and then have her change her mind. Good for you to trust your instincts.
