Tuesday, October 19, 2010

i'm back

i'm home from a week in paradise. i mean what did i have to complain about when i was looking at this?

i was so out of the loop on this trip. my dad called randomly this summer when my mom, brother, his wife & their four kids were visiting and said that our friend got an amazing deal - and he wanted to send my mom & i. my dad doesn't travel. it's a long story - i wish he would - but he doesn't. so we jumped on it. my mom had said a few people that were going. i thought 6 of us in total turns out - 16 of us went. it was a blast. i didn't know most of the people but by the end of the trip - we all walked away with friendships. 

one of the girls that i went with is my parents neighbor - she lives in the country with her three kids. she use to live there with her husband too. until he died of cancer. with three little kids & a young 31 year old wife at home. it's sad. beyond sad. i only knew her once her husband was "already dying." i didn't know them as a young, healthy, vibrant couple. i knew them as a women who was traveling from rural wisconsin to new york city and paying $21,000.00 a month for medication that was hurting her husband so much he couldn't even have sex with her. 

through spending the week talking - we discovered that infertility and death are a lot the same. people don't know what to say - so they end up saying the wrong thing. they end up saying things that make you want to reach across the table and pull out their eye lashes. one by one. we discovered that everyone's reality is different. we cried. we laughed. and she very well became one of my hero's. i can't imagine the hell she's been through. a few years before her husband died - her mom died & her sister had a stroke. seriously? 

tomorrow i'll try to post on the doctor follow up. i can't tell you guys thank you enough for listening. 

1 comment:

  1. welcome back! So glad you a nice relaxing time, you totally deserved that. You raise a point that I have been thinking a lot about. I think sometimes we get stuck in our own crap and forget that there are others out there with issues too. I am so sorry for your friend's loss.
