Wednesday, October 20, 2010


one of my best friends... i girl i've spoken of before who has been honest, kind, caring & encourging in my life has really disappointed me. 

our husbands went to graduate school together. we spent nearly every waking moment hanging out, running, eating dinner together & drinking beers. 

while in graduate school - they got pregnant (2006). had a baby (2007). got pregnant again. miscarried (2008). got pregnant again (2009). had a baby (2009). got pregnant. miscarried. (2010). got pregnant again. (2010). 

after a & i moved last year - we now live less than 40 minutes from them. we do things often and talk nearly every week. 

the last - got pregnant again - i found out about from a facebook update. are you fucking kidding me? i'm pissed. mostly at myself. have i really made myself so unavailable? 

then i get some lame ass text from her saying not to check facebook - she jumped the gun too fast - she has news for me - she knew i saw. 

i texted her back and said - "i saw - congrats - just might be hard to talk about. you guys are great parents." 

i'm annoyed because she knew about us TTC w/ our donor sperm & she was calling and asking about it - grrrr! 

we're suppose to have dinner for her birthday with her, another pregnant girl, a women who has two kids & their spouses on friday night. 



  1. sigh, this is never easy. what a crappy way to find out too. makes me want to suspend my FB acct. Thinking of you Jen. I wish we all lived closer so that we had a entitre pack of fabulous fellow IF women to hang out with all the time!!!!

  2. Hey - I was wondering if you knew about the comment leaving week that Mel organizes. Today is the last day to sign up for October, if you want to participate. Or you can always just scroll thru the blogroll of others who are participating. I like it as a way to meet new bloggers.

    I didn't want to assume if you knew or not. :)
