Thursday, March 31, 2011

two new donors

we found two possible donors tonight that we like. . one - pretty darn good. then another - when we listened to the 2nd one - A was grinning from ear to ear. I'm not kidding. he's never done this with a donor yet. His personality is so much like A's - it's a little crazy. His Paternal Uncle had child that they list as "mental retardation". We've got something to think about.

so besides IF - it will happen when it happens crap you get from people who have kids - they also will tell you - that this doesn't matter. that you never know what you're going to get with your husband. i get that BUT here is the deal - it's the cream of the crop... why not increase your odds?

we have to read more medical history - i'm anxious to find out more.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot beleive people tell you it doesn't matter, the people who tell you that are the one's who never have to face making this choice. I hate that people say that to you. I do not even begin to imagine how hard it is to pick a donor. I will never tell you it doesn't matter.
    I am excited that you are moving forward.
