Tuesday, March 8, 2011

oh i forgot

add this to the i thought i was crazy but i'm not alone list.

i took a pregnancy test last week. sure did. about a week after my period ended. my period was weird this month, wasn't sure what was going on & i thought - oh maybe i'm pregnant.

of course, i'm not.

it's a good thing i got it at the dollar store and got my sanity back which i'm sure is temporary.


  1. For a while there, I would take pregnancy tests no matter if I got my period or not... cause we've all heard the tales of bleeding while pregnant.

    You're definitely not alone.

  2. I hate home pregnancy tests, they totally sucks. I am sorry for the weird period fake out, that sucks too

  3. Yeah, i've done that too. I felt super ridiculous, considering 1) that I'd just had my period, and 2) that my husband does not produce sperm, but hope prevailed. Its just that we hear all these stories about miracles, and I really really wanted one of my own.

    Our miracles are coming... Just along a different path. take care!
