Thursday, March 3, 2011

it happened

just like the show. heck, just like the movies. beautiful. loving notes from our family, a professional interventionist & most importantly, a son, brother, grandson & boyfriend that was ready to accept the beautiful gift that was being offered to him.

never in my life have i been more proud of my family. of my brother & of myself for keeping my shit together.

in two hours his plan will land with the interventionist in denver, co where he'll begin detox.

i consider myself to be spirited, spiritual & i believe in a higher power. i did not attend church with my family growing up, but rather with our neighbor. my mom hates organized religion. that's a different story.

today. God was with us. he wrapped his loving arms around my parents beautiful home & there was no fighting, no yelling, no blaming. just simply, "fine, i'll go."

continue to pray please. i'm so humbled by all of this. my willingness to seek therapy to better understand this crazy addiction, my parents willingness.

God is so good.


  1. very humbling experience.

    And I can only imagine your relief when he said yes.
    Is it time to take a big exhale?

  2. I am crying as I read this. I am so happy for you and your family. This is amazing. Please use me as a resource as this moves forward. I know this stuff very well and will help in ANY way that I can.
    Sending lots of love to you...

  3. I'm so glad this turned out well. God's grace was surely upon this. I'm sure your brother will quickly realize (if he doesn't already) what an amazing sister he has for loving him this way.

  4. thank you so much ladies. cgd - i'll be using you soon i'm sure. he's doing really well. foxy - i haven't breathed this deep in 12 years.

  5. This is amazing, powerful and inspiring! I grew up in a family of addicts and the thought of any of them going to rehab breaks my heart open.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your incredibly brave family.
