Friday, February 4, 2011

our house

this weekend we agreed to take our friends kids. a little girl who just turned 4 & a little boy who is a peanut but almost 2. we also decided that we should get our PAL for the weekend - she's almost 7 and she gets along great with the 4 year old. for those of you who haven't read about our PAL - she's been affected with the trifecta - she was abused mental & physical by her father and confessed to me this summer that she was also abused sexually. she hasn't seen her dad since may & i'd love if she never saw him again. she's thriving without him. things were so bad that the last time he visited her - she got expelled from school the next day for beating the shit out of a kid - as a kindergartner. the amazing people surrounding her - couldn't figure it out. are you fucking kidding me? it's crazy. but that's not the point of this.

my day started at 6:30 to a crazy dirty diaper, making egg, pancakes, waffles, toast, and another egg. all by 7:30. followed by getting everyone ready, playing, going for a run, playing, decorating cupcakes, making lunch, reading books, naps, showering, making dinner for a birthday party, inviting guest over, dealing with the 4 year old peeing her pants, baths, two more dirty diapers, dinner, 4 loads of laundry, 3 loads in the dishwasher & a whole day of kissing, positive reinforcement & making sure my husband got some sweet kisses too.

i got to play house today. all day long. it was magical. i tried not to think about it being painful - to just remain grateful - that people trust me. love me & give me their children with open arms knowing that they will come back healthy and happy. it reminds me that just because the DNA of our child will most likely only be ours (maybe neither of ours if IUI doesn't work, well do adoption) the child will be our baby. right now i'm to the point that any child will be perfect with me.

it also is a reminder that the constant bitching that parents do on facebook with their kids really irritates me. so this was my wall post last night:

an almost two year old, a four year old & a six year old - all snug as a bug in a rug at our house... i know this is some peoples "normal" but it's pretty darn amazing for us. cherish your children. they are amazing.

i hope they got the point.

i get to play house tomorrow too until the superbowl.... that's right folks green & gold all the way!!


  1. I constantly want to post stuff like that on fb but I chicken out
    I continue to be amazed by your ability to be so engaged with children. The last time I saw my neice we had a great time together, but after I felt so empty that I just wanted to run away from her all over again. You are very brave and apparently like mary poppins since kids seem to love you so much!!!
    Glad to see you posting again, I was wondering you have been.

  2. Cherish your children. They are amazing!

    I love you for posting this :)
