Wednesday, February 23, 2011

ahhh haaa moments

this winter - shortly after finding out our old donor retired - i was in a town about two hours away and at a big market taking pictures of some little girls for their parents. there was a gift shop there & i love any kind of sign that has words on it. i saw this one out of the corner of my eye:

"I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. You gain strength, courage, & confidence from every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face."

I didn't get the sign. I was working & thought it might be a little out of place. I've thought about it almost everyday since then. Found the artist online - and the sign was no longer being made. Yesterday, I found it in a store here in town. I almost sprinted to the front of the store to have them take it down.

I find it a little ironic that Friday I go to our new clinic to get things started with a new donor. We actually have not picked a new donor. We've picked three. All are fine. We have been using what we think is the best clinic in the country - 700 men apply - 1 man gets chosen to donate. This man is not raising our child. He's giving us a beautiful beautiful gift - but it's no longer about me obsession about his every detail. I just can't wait for the day to come when my husband holds his baby in his arms - regardless of the DNA.


  1. I love that sign!!! I think you should use that saying on the header of your blog.
    You continue to amaze me in your courage through this donor process. The image of your husband holding his baby gives me chills
    thank you so much for your help this week with the gf. so far so good. I will certainly have questions and will be emailing you. thanks for everything, you are the best!!!!

  2. Great sentiment on the sign. I hope the donor stuff goes swimmingly (pun intended) for you!
