Sunday, January 16, 2011

the pits

the bummer part about being married to a man who suffers from IF is his lack of sex drive. it's pretty much non existent. being in my early 30's it's pretty darn opposite for me.

we have sex - hardly ever. i mean that. especially now that we've used and will be using a donor. it breaks my heart. this morning i decided to just go for it. - he couldn't finish - seriously.

he's been eating a ton, not working out, and obviously stressed. it breaks my heart. he's not someone that talks about feelings. ever. in fact, he gets really annoyed.

i'm really trying to be understand.


  1. I am so sorry J. I think when IF enters our bedrooms (with problems that belong to the man or the woman) the sex life takes a major hit. I have never met anyone who has not had this happen to them. I am wondering if his fertility issues also impact his sex drive and am wondering if this is a hormonal thing that perhaps can be treated with meds. Does your doc say anything about this???
    With that said, my husband and I have tried to focus on enjoying each other and being affectionate, even if that does not involve actual sex. It really takes the pressure off. We also try to talk about it a good amount and have learned to communicate about this difficult issue really well.
    Hang in there, we all get this all too well....

  2. After 9 yrs of infertility, and basically having to turn your body over to the doctors over and over again, I have to admit that I became disassociated from my body and my sexuality. Perhaps even angry with my body for not doing what I thought it naturally would. Now, my watchword is: NURTURE. I really like the commetns from cgd above,
