Wednesday, August 31, 2011


i feel like everything i didn't ever want to feel like. i'm bloated. i feel like i could puke. i have hot flashes. i just started that new shit for my prolactin levels being high - they said the side effects are "horrible". i can't help but think if i wouldn't have sat around an waited until i was 32 to be ok with using a donors sperm that maybe, just maybe, my body wouldn't be doing this freak out shit on me. i feel like i'm failing adam. i'm feeling guilty for all the years of telling people it was him - when really it's been us. i'm tired. i'm working way more than i should be. my house is a mess (although cleaning my oven at 11pm has been a great idea),

if i see another ungrateful mother i might punch her brains out.

so here's our plan.

bromocroptine until i get prego
clomid days 3-7
hcg - a's going to learn how to give it on friday. joy.

tuesday - ultrasound

iui - i would guess in a week or so...

infertility really is the song that never ends.


  1. I took that drug to lower my prolactin too. I freaked out a little reading about all the nasty side effects but it didn't turn out being so awful, at least for me. and I did end up getting pregnant for the cycle that I took it (which was also our IVF cycle) I hope that it does the trick for you too!

  2. I am so sorry that you are having a rough time on the meds, hoping the effects ease up soon. I am always hoping for you....
