Tuesday, November 1, 2011

9 weeks, Day 4

So far, so good. We saw the heartbeat at 7 weeks. It was fantastic to know that we're finally getting somewhere. All I do is worry. I don't even want to talk about it because I'm afraid it's not real.

My lovely in laws (hormones perhaps) took it upon themselves to tell A's entire family we were expected even though we talked to them hard core about not peeping a word. Nothing like a facebook email from A's cousin to remind me that I went from already being annoyed with them to being straight up pissed off. Right after telling them we got a card from them that said, "you're going to be great parents but we're going to be awesome grandparents love, mom & dad." Followed by her already telling me that she'll be giving our kid juice and whatever else crap she wants when I'm not around. I then informed her that it was "my baby" and she quickly responded, "no it's not your baby, it's our baby, i've been waiting just as long as you have" - OH really? Was your husband giving you injections in your ass? Instead I responded with, "you can see the kid or not see the kid - it's your choice." After telling these three stories with a few friends they inform me it's just going to get worse. I know this. My MIL tells people her mother is dead. She is not. She is alive and living in Mississippi. She chooses not to speak with her. Gives you a pretty good idea the kind of person I'm dealing with. Oh - she also drinks - everynight. I spent a solid year in therapy trying to figure out ways to deal with her. hoy vey!

So maybe because of the second paragraph - I haven't talked about it much because I don't want to deal with annoying people until we feel a little less scared that something bad is going to happen.

So for the happy part. I took the dumb at home test and didn't believe it so i went to the doctor the same day and got confirmation that things were really happening. In my true style I was in the hallway with my nurse and shouted, "it's about fucking time."


  1. Ugh, your MIL sounds worse than mine! (& that's hard to do!) Glad all is going well otherwise!

  2. continuing to wish you well always

  3. First off: Congratulations!

    Wow, your MIL is a piece of work. It's really up to your husband to manage that relationship, rather than you. All the same, if she drinks, I definitely recommend NEVER leaving your child alone with her. EVER. Period.

  4. Hi Jen! Congratulations! I am 8 weeks! Just one week ahead of you... :)
    Sorry your MIL is being such a pain. She sounds nasty.
