Wednesday, June 1, 2011


- where have i been? that's a great question.

- i've officially launched my photography business & it's keeping me more than busy.

- i've been out to visit that brother of mine - you know - the one who was on drugs - but has now been clean for 90 - yes - 90 days. he's gained 25lbs - looks beautiful & tells me he loves me all the time. not kidding. he's still in treatment and should graduate in just a few weeks which i know is a whole new ball game - so until then - i'm in present time - and that brings me joy.

- that photography business i started - you need - a computer these days to start such thing -so wouldn't you know - three big jobs - my old mac couldn't keep up with the big boys anymore - and i was without a computer for a bit - and now i have a desktop... it's kind of nice not trying to multi task and having to come upstairs to work.

- that having a baby thing - what this blog is all about - is a mess right now. we picked our new donor - swimmers are patiently waiting at our clinic and wouldn't you go figure - day 18 - i haven't ovulated yet - WTF! I know you ladies have it way worse - but seriously - what a fucking joke. After day 18 - i just learned - your chance of miscarriage goes way up - so we're going to do one more natural cycle next month and then if that doesn't work - start some medication for me. I'm 100% not against people taking medication - the doctor just wants me to do one more cycle since every. single. other. cycle. has been 16-17 day surge. please dear God....


  1. well thankfully you posted so I did not need to call out the search party for you! I missed you!!
    I am so, so proud of you for growing you business. Your photos are amazing.
    I am sorry about the late ovulation, this has been happening to me too (although my med team thinks it is b/c of ivf meds). Hoping you can get started soon. I am always rooting for you.

  2. Yeah for a new computer and a busy new business!

    The wonky cycle is not what you need to be dealing with. grrr. We did 2 medicated IUI's (clomid, trigger, progesterone) and I did like the fact that we knew how many follicles were there and could control when I ovulated. I think if we'd gone into the process with larger emotional reserves, we might have started with a natural cycle or two, but I knew that I didn't have it in me to have more negatives than absolutely necessary. We ended up switching to IVF after just two cycles, because we needed better odds. It is definitely different for everyone though.

    Good luck with the growing biz!
