Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Just because we're having a child doesn't mean that I haven't stopped digging. I still want answers. I want to know why we weren't able to use A's DNA to have our child. I want him to feel better. I want him to be the best he can be.

My friend (I'll call her AB for lack of confusion) and I get each other. In the 1st grade she moved to our school and was very very shy - I am not - I made her come out and play with me. Best decision ever. When I think of my childhood my best moments are when she's a part of it - 27 years later - I still feel the same way about her - She now lives clear across the country and her amazing husband has a job that protects our country in a way very few human beings do - so he needs to run at 100%, 100% of the time. Needless to say on her last visit home she started talking about some testing he was having done and it really perked my interest. He & I ended up talking about it for a very long time and A and I decided to move forward with it for him ( I was already prego at the time so we decided not to do it for me but just for him for now). The test results are in.

A has a larger sensitivity to Turkey and Corn than he does to Shrimp (he carries an epi-pen) - we are waiting to talk to the doctor this week - but is it possible that it's killing him from the inside and shutting down his system.

I'm interested - I don't know about you - but here's the link for Relevance Health.